Friday, May 15, 2009

Our welcome home committee...

These are our neighbors' kids Brian (left) and Anthony (right) who are some of the cutest, sweetest, yet wild and craziest kids I've ever met. They yell goodbye to us out the window every morning when we leave for school and come running outside whenever we come home. Anthony even does a happy dance when he sees me and comes running up to give me a hug. They always want to know what we're doing and where we're going. It's like having a mini set of parents!

We try to play with them as much as we can, usually soccer in our shared driveway or just being goof balls and running around like different animals or power rangers (I'm always pink), but they also know what "we need to study" means. We can always count on them for a few laughs when we're getting stressed out or need a study break.

Brian asked me today if he could spend the night at our house. Too cute! They like to come inside and check out what we're doing. I sometimes humor them and turn on music and let them have a dance party, but they usually get a little wild, so that doesn't last too long. They are also really fascinated by my trunk for some reason. Anthony tries to climb into it and Brian likes to take stuff out of it for me...not always the things I want to take out, but at least he's trying to help.

Anyway, thought I'd share our little smiling greeters from next door. If you come and visit, you'll probably get to meet them...or at least hear them! :)

1 comment:

Lori said...

SOoooooo cute!
Auntie Lori