Friday, April 24, 2009

Wanted: More Memory...

I'm going to go ahead and say this right now...this term is going to be a doozy! After two weeks of class, I have 2 binders that are already almost filled to the brim with papers/handouts/notes, and have dried up 3 highlighters. That's just wrong. I'm not really sure what it is that is making this term so crazy, but I am not a fan. I'm also finding it hard to be interested in and motivated for these classes. Other than Pediatrics, I'm not super interested in my classes. Unfortunately, Pediatrics has enough information to be consumed by 2 terms, and it's crammed into one.

We also just got a packet yesterday titled "A Guide to Successful Completion of Your Comprehensive Exams." Not something we really wanted to add to our pile. The first week of next term will be spent taking comprehensive practical exams on everything that we have ever learned in the program. We will also have to take a state board exam. Fun. The purpose of this is to make sure that we are safe and prepared to go out into the clinics. If you don't pass, they let you take them again, unless you do something really wrong. Then they have the power and authority to hold you back for a year. So we're supposed to be studying and preparing for these while studying for the classes we're in right now. Explain to me how I'm going to find time for that. That means, no real break after this term because I will be studying my B-U-T-T off. I know I'll have to give myself some kind of break, even if it is only a few days, or I will go crazy.

We had about 20 babies and kids come in today for us to observe for Peds, which was a ton of fun, but was mentally exhausting. You have to come up with games and activities to play with these little crazy, energetic kids that we've hyped up on sugar, meanwhile keeping track in your head what milestones they should be at and what they're lacking on, etc. Fun, but tiring. Highlights from the day:
1. A baby that would not stop crying for anyone else immediately stopped as soon as I held him, and proceeded to fall asleep in my arms. My class now thinks that I have "super mom powers".
2. I told a girl who had glittery, sparkly shoes that I liked them and wished I had some like them. She proceeded to hide them from me because she thought I was going to steal them. She also told me that I only had 1 ponytail while she had 4, and that I should work on that.

I don't know if I'm suffering from major burnt-out syndrome, or what. I succumbed to taking a nap today because I was so exhausted and kept falling asleep while I was studying. I didn't wake up to my alarm, or should I say managed to turn it off in my sleep, and ended up sleeping for over 2 hours. My first thought when I woke up: "Dang it...there went 2 hours of studying!" I long for the days where I enjoyed taking a nap and didn't feel guilty for doing it.

I guess I should get back to the books since I did lose 2 hours of precious time. I'm just hoping that this term lightens up soon. I might have to run away for a weekend or two just to maintain my sanity and focus. Any ideas for weekend get-aways?

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