Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day 2009...

I just read Betty's blog and was inspired by their list of their environmentally friendly actions and decided to make a list of the things I currently do and things that could use some improvement. So, in honor of Earth Day, here goes...

I currently:
-use reusable bags at the grocery store, Trader Joe's, and Target. But if I happen to forget them, I at least reuse the plastic bags as trashcan liners, or take them in to recycle them. Vons and Target have bins for you to recycle them in, in case your pile is growing too large under the kitchen sink.
-use energy efficient bulbs, even though I hate them and the light they give off. I especially hate the way they have to "warm up" before they give off the full light, and don't get me started on how they contain mercury and if they break, Haz Mat has to come out and clean it up for you. Never mind the fact that they don't really fit in a grad student's budget, but's good for the environment, right? Moving on...
-turn my computer(s) off or at least put it to sleep whenever I'm not using it/them.
-turn the water off when brushing my teeth and between dishes
-recycle cans, bottles, paper, plastic, etc.
-only run the dishwasher when it is full, and let the dishes air-dry and not have a heated dry, AND do a short wash.
-when it is cold and I use the oven, I leave the oven door open after I'm finished to help heat up the house.
-only do laundry when I have full loads, or try to combine loads with my roommates. Plus I only wash things in cold water.
-use fans instead of the air conditioner, unless it's midnight and we're going to bed and it's still over 88ยบ upstairs (where our bedrooms are) and it hasn't cooled off outside...I also believe in the power of cross-breezes!
-turn off the lights whenever I leave a room
-use environmentally safe/friendly cleaning products...most of the time...
-take the stuff I don't need/want anymore to GoodWill instead of throwing it away.
-use envelopes and notebook paper that is made from recycled products, even though I don't like them as much
-buy organic food when I can, but the grad student budget usually limits this to milk and produce only...sometimes other things if they're on sale
-use reusable coffee mugs and plastic containers as much as possible
-use the smaller paper towels, instead of full-size ones
-don't shop at Walmart...sorry, that's my own personal vendetta against that place! :)

Things I could improve on:
-using high efficiency appliances...again, grad student...I use what comes with the house!
-buying more food from a farmer's market, except that there isn't one near-by that runs year-round. I suppose I could buy more from smaller, local, non-chain produce stores. I think it's important to support local businesses, even though it might not mean the best price.
-drove back-and-forth between home and school less...except that I really don't study well when I'm not at home, and I'm sick of that place! I suppose we (me and my roommates) could coordinate better and carpool, but sometimes we don't know what we'll be doing after class, until...well, after class.
-holding on to things...I have managed to accumulate a lot of clutter. This will change before I move again! GoodWill better prepare itself!
-watching less TV. This is a hard one, because the last thing I want to do as a study break is read a book or magazine, because that means reading. But I really think I watch a lot of crap shows just for the sake of having downtime...sad, but true. Plus, it would cut down on the electric bill.

I think everyone always has things they could improve on. Although I consider myself to be environmentally mindful, I know there is always more I could do. I hope this inspires you to think about how you are helping out our planet, and consider celebrating Earth Day, every day!


Lori said...

Kenzi, I REALLY enjoyed reading that and finding out something about you I didn't know. You do very well environmentally, I think. I cannot stand the special bulbs either. I recycle everything I can in Juneau. I'm bad about water because we have so darn much of it up here. Thanks for sharing! Auntie Lori

Mackenzie said...

Thanks! I think it has a lot to do with how I was raised and the big Earth Day program we had at our elementary school...they started us young! :)