Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rotation #1...check!

Number of miles put on my car: 4800
Longest commute: 1 hour, 47 minutes
Shortest commute: 45 minutes
Number of Armenian phrases learned: 10
Number of pounds lost: 8.5
Number of times I passed out: 0
Number of days left: 0

It's official...I finished my first rotation! I can't believe how quickly it flew past, but I am very happy to be finished. I gained a lot of experience these past 8 weeks, building up my confidence and perfecting my skills. I will not miss the commute or waking up at the buttcrack of dawn. I don't think I've ever worked so hard physically, at least not in a while. The proof is in the weight loss up there. Hello jumpstart to the wedding diet! I can now count in Armenian (well, to 4 anyway), as well as some other phrases. Of all the languages in the world, I would not have picked Armenian to be the next one I'd be learning. On the last day, my CI brought in bagels, cream cheese and OJ and made me a good luck sign. It was a very weird day, with 6 patients either refusing treatment or not being able to be seen for one reason or another. It was surreal driving home, knowing that I wouldn't be driving back there on Monday morning. Surreal, but very satisfying. :) Now all that's left for me to do is turn in my paperwork, which I'll be dropping off at school on Monday.

This week I'll be moving up to SLO, which has served as motivation these past 8 weeks. I knew that once I got through this rotation, I'd get to be with Jeff for 3 months. If that's not motivation, I don't know what is! Now it's time to pack my stuff up again (didn't I just do this?!) and prepare to freeze my butt off. I know, I'm a wimp. But after living in triple digit weather for half the year, I am not used to the cool weather. I know I'll get used to it, but there will be lots of layers on me until then!

Yesterday my mom and I went to my friend Jocelyn's daughter's 1st birthday party. You may remember me talking about little Miss Abby. I'm her "auntie", and love spending time with the cutie pie. She will be the second flower girl in the wedding, accompanying Miss Sofia down the aisle (and Grady too!). She didn't really know what to do with the cake, and just picked at it and stared at everyone, wondering why all of a sudden watching her eat was so interesting. And she was more interested in the cards and tissue paper than the gifts themselves. Very cute, and I'm so happy I was actually in town for the celebration! Happy birthday Abby!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Congrats Kenzi! You made it through the 8 weeks- that's great! So excited for you that you get to be up in SLO. Hope we get to see you 2 soon!