Sunday, January 1, 2012


Well hello my loyal and devoted blog followers! Bet you thought I had forgotten about this little bloggy here, didn't ya?! Well I apologize for the lapse in entries, and I hope you didn't think we never returned from our honeymoon since I never finished writing about it. How I wish that were true.

Truth is, I've been busy with work. And frustrated with work. And really I didn't know what to write about that wasn't me whining and complaining about having to work so much and so hard all the time. And then I finally would get motivated, and then Blogger wouldn't work or would take to long to load my pictures and then I'd get frustrated and give up on the whole thing.

So let me do a little wrap up on the end of 2011 for you. Sorry, the only pictures I have uploaded are from my iPhone. Haven't gotten around to uploading everything from my camera yet...

Thanksgiving...was spent at our cozy condo. Jeff's family came to join us, so we had Mike, Becky, Melissa, Derek, Grady, Kendall and Jeff's Aunt Linda all in 950 square feet. Oh, and don't forget about Blondie! We were cozy, but it was a success and it was great having everyone together. We even made a trip out to see the Monarch butterflies, which I'd had on my to-do list for years!

Christmas...was spent on a plane. I wish I was kidding. We were in Hawaii the week before Christmas with my family, and enjoyed amazing weather where I finally got to thaw out. We even tried stand-up paddle boarding, which was definitely something everyone wanted to try. We sadly flew home on Christmas day, and then had to drive all the way back up to Atascadero after landing at 10:30 pm. Yuck. We got in at 3 AM and I got up at 6 to go to work. No fun.

New Years...was spent at home. We went to Jeff's co-worker's 40th birthday party on the 30th. She had hired DJ Bob (yes, from our wedding), and we spent the night dancing away. After staying up late that night, it sounded great to just stay in. We watched Harry Potter 7.2 and then decided at about 10:30 that we had no desire to make it to midnight. So we kissed goodnight and went to sleep instead. Are we getting old??? Mike and Becky came to visit us on the 1st and spend a few days with us. We celebrated a late Christmas, and Jeff took them to see our McMansion while I went to work on the 2nd.

Which brings me to...

The McMansion...for those of you who don't know, we put an offer on a house in Paso Robles on October 17th. It is a short sale, so basically everything has been moving at a snail's pace. The seller accepted our offer right away, and since then, it's been sitting with the banks. The main lender, Wells Fargo, has accepted the offer and agreed to give the second lender, CitiBank, 10% of their loan. While we were in Hawaii, we signed more papers where CitiBank now gets an additional $650. The seller has moved out of the house and is expecting everything to go through. We are anticipating hearing a final decision from the banks by the end of this week or early next week. Should it go through, we will then move onto inspections and escrow.

So how big is the McMansion? Well, it's 6 bedrooms, 3 1/2 bathrooms, about 2800 square feet and on about 1/3 of an acre. We did not want this big of a house, but we fell in love with the neighborhood and the house was pretty much the only thing in our price range because the owner has not done any upgrades to the house. *fingers crossed* Hopefully we'll be moving on to the next steps soon!

So that pretty much catches everything up. I will try my best to be better about updated the blog! I'm anticipating exciting things for 2012! Happy new year, and hopefully the Mayans are wrong! ;)


Mom said...

YEA! for family, good times, and exciting changes! (Oh, and malasadas, too!)

The Wharton Gang said...

WOW... that is a McMansion! Wonderful and positive house vibes your way! We know how the short sale process goes, but your patience will pay off in the end! Sounds like a lovely year and I love the cartoon!

Sarah said...

Holy Moley thats alot of house! Keeping our fingers crossed it all goes through! 2012 sounds like its going to be a great year for the Dakes!