Thursday, June 26, 2008

catching up...

My break was nice. Too short as always, but nice. The first weekend was spent moving the rest of my things, and unpacking things at my new place. Then I went home for Father's Day and spent the night at home. Then I headed up to SLO for the rest of the week. I got a massage and haircut (I have bangs now), which was a lot of fun spending 3 hours at the spa. Course, it took me a while to relax during the massage because I kept thinking about which muscles she was working on and what type of massage she was doing. It's sick! It's like my brain doesn't know how to shut off anymore!

We also went to a BBQ at Jeff's new place (starting this weekend), and I met the new interns at his work. I spent some time packing up things for him while he was at work, slept in, watched TV, wasted time on the computer, and basically enjoyed having time to do nothing. Unfortunately, it was over 100º the entire time I was there, peaking out at 114º! This is SLO, it's not supposed to go over 90! I even watched one of Jeff's soccer games in the insane heat in Paso...that's love! The day I left, it cooled back down to 75º...figures!

Again, LOPT folks, I apologize for not making it out there. You guys need to move the office closer! I miss you all, and when I'm back up in August, I'll try to make it out.

The first week of class is going well so far. We really only have two major classes, which is nice. That being said, it's only 5 weeks of classes, so it's at a faster pace. Our major classes are Exercise Physiology and Clinical Skills III. I don't know yet what the emphasis of this class is (Clinical Skills), but I'll find out today. Then we are continuing to work on our research projects, or in my case, actually starting the research. We start July 8th and will finish in August. Kind of exciting that it'll be over so quickly, but there goes my free time! We have Tuesdays off from class, with a few exceptions, but mine will be spent collecting data...FUN! Then in August we'll have our Practicum in the clinics for 2 weeks. I'll be at a clinic in Morro Bay, so hopefully I'll escape the heat down here for a little bit!

Sadly, we lost one person from our class, so we are now at 36 people. It kind of was a wake-up call, because most of us had no idea she was struggling. Even though my grade in Anatomy wasn't what I wanted, I'm so thankful just to have passed everything and to still be in the program. I know this is an extremely challenging program that I've entered, and I'm taking it one term at a time. With that, only 2 years and 2 months to go! :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

2nd term...CHECK!!!

Finals are over...HOORAY!!! Man am I exhausted! Overall, I think they went pretty well. I already know how I did on most of them. Clinical Skills IB I got a 93% on the written final and 100% on the practical. Modalities I got an 85% on the final and 100% on the practical. Anatomy I don't know yet, but the written was taken off of our quizzes, and you never know with the lab.

The cadavers go back now...GOOD-BYE! I will not miss them, especially after staying in there til midnight last night. I am throwing out those scrubs ASAP! We finished our pathology report, and Bubba we determined died of a heart attack. That wasn't exactly surprising considering his significant obesity and presence of a pacemaker.

I'm really happy that I did so well on the practicals. It's harder for me to just regurgitate the information for the written tests, but at least my high scores on the practical are a good indication of my hands-on skills that I will utilize in the clinic.

I just had lunch with my mom and sister, and now I'm tired and am thinking about taking a nap. Jeff is coming down tonight and we're moving the rest of my things from the apartment tomorrow. I think we might be meeting his parents for dinner tomorrow too, but that hasn't been confirmed with me yet. Right now, that is the least of my worries! I am looking forward to having a relaxing, stress-free break. I think I've earned it! :) This is all my poor brain can handle right now...

Sunday, June 8, 2008


It's finals week! Here's my schedule:

Monday: Clinical Skills written and lab practical
Tuesday: Modalities written
Wednesday: Modalities lab practical
Thursday: Anatomy written
Friday: Anatomy practical

It's going to be a very difficult week, and I am trying as hard as possible to avoid getting sick and to keep my head above water. So much to do, so little time to do it! Wish me luck!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

If only it were this easy!

A watered down, yet more entertaining version of what I am studying right now...ENJOY!

Sunday, June 1, 2008's june?!

Holy cow it's the last week of class! I honestly cannot tell you where the time has gone. I'm excited because that means I'm almost one term closer to being finished, yet terrified because I don't feel ready for finals at all! This weekend I've been trying to get study guides ready and starting to crank it into gear. Hopefully my efforts will be sufficient.

I also spent some time moving stuff over to my new place, which as of today I am a resident. I was amazed at how much my little green bean of a car could hold when the seats were folded down. Can't say it was the best gas mileage, but it did the job! I got a good chunk over there, but still seem to have plenty more to go. My project this "summer" (in quotes b/c I don't really get a summer, I just mean the season) will be to get rid of some of this junk that I'm holding onto. I can't keep moving all this!

I am also pleased to write that my good friend Jocelyn is pregnant and just found out that she's having a baby girl! Auntie Kenzi is VERY excited! AND they're moving back from Seattle this month which makes me even happier! :) She's due in the fall and I cannot wait for the little one to join us! Congrats again Jocelyn and Shaun!!!

On that happy note, I should return to studying. I'm already pooped from all the moving and stair-climbing (2nd story at both places) and still have much to do!