Friday, June 13, 2008

2nd term...CHECK!!!

Finals are over...HOORAY!!! Man am I exhausted! Overall, I think they went pretty well. I already know how I did on most of them. Clinical Skills IB I got a 93% on the written final and 100% on the practical. Modalities I got an 85% on the final and 100% on the practical. Anatomy I don't know yet, but the written was taken off of our quizzes, and you never know with the lab.

The cadavers go back now...GOOD-BYE! I will not miss them, especially after staying in there til midnight last night. I am throwing out those scrubs ASAP! We finished our pathology report, and Bubba we determined died of a heart attack. That wasn't exactly surprising considering his significant obesity and presence of a pacemaker.

I'm really happy that I did so well on the practicals. It's harder for me to just regurgitate the information for the written tests, but at least my high scores on the practical are a good indication of my hands-on skills that I will utilize in the clinic.

I just had lunch with my mom and sister, and now I'm tired and am thinking about taking a nap. Jeff is coming down tonight and we're moving the rest of my things from the apartment tomorrow. I think we might be meeting his parents for dinner tomorrow too, but that hasn't been confirmed with me yet. Right now, that is the least of my worries! I am looking forward to having a relaxing, stress-free break. I think I've earned it! :) This is all my poor brain can handle right now...


BilMas said...

Way to go, Kenzi!

I so proud you!!!

Love you, sweetie..

A.C. said...

That's wonderful news, Kenzi. You are SO amazing! Enjoy your break!