Sunday, June 1, 2008's june?!

Holy cow it's the last week of class! I honestly cannot tell you where the time has gone. I'm excited because that means I'm almost one term closer to being finished, yet terrified because I don't feel ready for finals at all! This weekend I've been trying to get study guides ready and starting to crank it into gear. Hopefully my efforts will be sufficient.

I also spent some time moving stuff over to my new place, which as of today I am a resident. I was amazed at how much my little green bean of a car could hold when the seats were folded down. Can't say it was the best gas mileage, but it did the job! I got a good chunk over there, but still seem to have plenty more to go. My project this "summer" (in quotes b/c I don't really get a summer, I just mean the season) will be to get rid of some of this junk that I'm holding onto. I can't keep moving all this!

I am also pleased to write that my good friend Jocelyn is pregnant and just found out that she's having a baby girl! Auntie Kenzi is VERY excited! AND they're moving back from Seattle this month which makes me even happier! :) She's due in the fall and I cannot wait for the little one to join us! Congrats again Jocelyn and Shaun!!!

On that happy note, I should return to studying. I'm already pooped from all the moving and stair-climbing (2nd story at both places) and still have much to do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have I told you lately . . . YOU'RE AWESOME! Good luck with finals -- you can do it! love you -- mom