Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dog Splash Days

Every year the weekend after Labor Day, the Templeton Community Pool hosts Dog Splash Days. You can pay to let your dogs go swimming in the pools before they drain them the next week. The money goes towards a local dog park. They have people in the pool to help the dogs get in/out, and there are tons of toys for the dogs to play with. We had forgotten to sign the girls up last year, so we didn't want to miss it this year!

The girls have never gone swimming before, so we weren't sure how they would like it. Jeff had gone ahead with the girls to get them checked in, while I was getting Aiden out of the car and loaded into the stroller so I missed their initial reaction. According to Jeff, Luna got all excited and jumped straight into the big pool. When she made it back up to the surface, I guess the look on her face was sheer terror of "Oh my gosh, there's no bottom to this thing!" Jeff said she was excessively slapping her paws down into the water, hoping to hit solid ground. She eventually made it over to the ramp and got back out, never to set foot in the pool again. Holly saw it all go down and decided she wanted nothing to do with it either! Eventually Jeff was able to convince them to play in the kiddie pool. Holly got in and would run around in the water, while Luna was going to each and every person there for some loving. They eventually both got in and "snorkeled" their way through the kiddie pool. Sorry these aren't the best pictures, but I was shooting one-handed, through a chain-link fence while feeding Aiden a bottle with the other hand. Not too shabby!

Luna also managed to get out past the gate twice and checked out a BBQ that some people were having. I was feeding Aiden, so Jeff had to chase her down while trying to not let Holly get out either. Fun times!

That weekend we also put together Aiden's exersaucer. He wasn't too sure what to think about it, but ended up eventually loving it! 

Needless to say, by the end of the day, we were all tired and worn out! 

Oh, and he also graduated to size 3 diapers. After 4 blow-outs in 1 week, I decided it was time to move up!

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