Sunday, November 2, 2014

4 Months

This little guy just keeps on growing! He's already 4 months old!

Aiden has recently discovered his feet, "talks" and drools up a storm, puts everything he touches into his mouth, and is SO close to rolling over from his back to his tummy! Any day now!

Here we are at his 4 month appointment (before the shots)...

He did great and the doctor says everything is right on track. Please note that our little piggie has jumped about 30% in the weight category! Only a couple more months before he gets to start eating solid foods!

Here are his 4 months stats:

Weight: 16 pounds, 10 ounces (68th percentile)
Height: 27 inches (98th percentile)
Head circumference: 16.5 inches (50th percentile)

Aiden also went out to dinner for the first time. We went to AJ Spur's with Jeff's Uncle Bob and Aunt 'D' while they were visiting in town. He loved walking around the restaurant while people watching, and even fell asleep at the table!

 And we knew it was coming eventually...Aiden got his first cold. It started with my mom, then went to Aiden, and then me. Fortunately it was only a runny and stuffy nose and went away after only a few days. We got to test out his humidifier, which helped keep him breathing. He was definitely glazed over though, and kept looking at us like "why aren't you doing anything?!"

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