Sunday, October 12, 2014

2 1/2 to 3 months

After our roadtrip down south, I got brave and started taking Aiden out to places on my own. Our first trip by ourselves was to Target, naturally. I carried him around in the Bjorn and he slept the entire time we were there. I also took him into my work while I had a meeting with my boss to discuss the details of my upcoming return to work. Again, he slept through the whole thing in the Bjorn. Everyone loved him! Jeff and I also made our first Costco trip since before Aiden was born. Guess what, he slept through the whole thing in the Bjorn! Anyone else noticing a pattern here?!

Speaking of sleeping, Aiden gave us a real treat! He slept through the whole night! Hallelujah! Ok, so not really the whole night, but as they like to define it...sleeping for at least 7 hours straight. He slept from 9:15-4:15! Woohoo! Mommy could get used to this! Here's video footage from after a full night's sleep...

Aiden at 11 weeks from Mackenzie Dake on Vimeo.

Nonni (my mom) moved in on August 6th to become our daycare after I head back to work. We are so, so, so grateful and thankful that she retired early and moved up here to do this! Gives me a little more peace of mind knowing that our Bubba is under such good care while I'm not home. I couldn't think of anyone better for the job! And thanks to my dad also, for still working and dealing with losing his wife to us!

The time had come for me to go back to work. I am so thankful that I got to spend a whole 12 weeks at home with our little guy. I have friends who had to go back to work much earlier, and I cannot imagine going back a second earlier than I did. I definitely made sure to get in every last snuggle I could the week before I went back!

The weekend before I went back I was lucky enough to get the flu! Awful! It was pretty miserable holding a puke bucket and nursing at the same time. I'm so glad my mom was here already to help out! Fortunately, no one else caught it. And Aiden must have known I needed sleep, because he graced us with an 8 1/2 hour stretch from 9-5:30. Thank you, Bubba!

With my return to work, Aiden had to quickly transition to bottles. We started supplementing with formula because I simply cannot pump enough to keep up with the hungry little guy. Fortunately, he transitioned great to the bottles and didn't even notice the formula!

The first weekend after I went back to work, I had a continuing education course all Saturday. I had signed up for it while I was out on maternity leave. I considered cancelling, but it was local, only 1 day (instead of the whole weekend), and was sponsored by my company (aka, free) so I decided to just bite the bullet and go. That weekend "The Clan" also happened to be visiting in Morro Bay. They are my "Aunties" and "Uncles" that have known me since the day I was born. It was great that we got to see them and they all got to meet Aiden.

And here is Mr. Aiden at 3 months. I don't have any stats for his height and weight since we don't go back to the doctor until 4 months. But he is definitely growing like a weed!

He is starting to roll from his back to his side consistently, more often to the right. He loves to kick and "stand", loves to smile and coo, and is totally obsessed with his hand/fist. If only he could fit the whole thing in his mouth! And he is really starting to love bath time! I think we have a water boy on our hands!

And here's one last video of Aiden kicking...yes, this is what I felt him doing inside me all the time while I was pregnant! What an active little boy!

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