Saturday, September 20, 2014


At the end of July we took Aiden on his first roadtrip to Thousand Oaks to meet his great grandparents on my side of the family. Mommy packed up the car and dropped off Holly and Luna at the kennel all by herself, before picking up Daddy from work on our way down south. Not an easy task considering it was 100 degrees outside and someone decided he didn't need to take a nap all day!

Aiden did great in the car, with very minimal amounts of crying, and only requiring one stop in Santa Maria at In N Out for all 3 of us to eat.

Aiden got to meet all 3 of his Great Grandparents on my side, Gam & Papa and Oma.

He did great all day, even with what little amount of naps he took while we all had lunch together. That night was a different story though...a total freak-out, hysterical meltdown. Nothing would calm him down. He eventually conked out in my arms, and I was scared to move him for the rest of the night!

This was the first time he slept in the big boy part of the pack n play (meaning, not in the bassinet portion), and he did great! He fussed a little bit when I first put him down, but he didn't wake up any more than normal.

Aiden went to his first restaurant while we were down there...lunch at Stacked. What a fun place - you get to customize your food (burgers, pizza, mac & cheese, ice cream sandwiches, etc.) and order everything on a iPad at the table. Besides, any place where you can get mac & cheese on your burger is alright in my book! Aiden fell asleep and slept through most of the meal. No surprise there!

After lunch it was time for the trek back home. He did great again, with only 1 stop in Santa Maria to eat and change his diaper. Way to go, Bubba!

We decided since we had already messed up his routine, we would go ahead and transition him to his crib. He did great, sleeping almost 7 hours! Woohoo! Mommy could get used to this!

We quickly learned that we needed to buy a breathable bumper though, because he managed to get his legs caught through the slats on the crib. No injuries, and he was totally happy. But not worth the risk!

And someone has outgrown his size 1 diapers and has graduated up to size 2! He's growing so fast!

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