Thursday, July 29, 2010

July's Happenings...

Alright, alright...I know it's been a while but that's mostly because I haven't been in one place for too long. Here's what's been going on in my busy life...

There's been a lot of bouncing back and forth between T.O. and SLO. Melissa, Derek and Grady stopped by on their way up to Napa. We had dinner with Jeff's aunt Linda, and his cousins Adrian and Dawn and their daughter Hanna who were also out visiting from Colorado. The next day I took them to the Avila Valley Barn, and Grady loved all the animals. Then Jeff joined us for lunch before we wished them well along their way. It was great seeing them, and hopefully one of these years we'll have a place for them to stay!

Jeff and I went house/apartment/condo hunting since we'll be moving at the end of August. Well, more like he'll be moving since I won't be in the country. Convenient, huh? We'll be moving into a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo in Atascadero that's only 3 years old. A major bonus: it comes with all the appliances which is very difficult to find. Are we excited about moving to Atascadero? Not exactly. But the rent is more affordable. So we'll be adjusting to a new city on the other side of the grade.

So while trying to tie things up in SLO, I also needed to get stuff ready for Africa back in T.O. I can't believe we're leaving in a little over a week! Which has meant trips to REI, Eddie Bauer, Target, and other miscellaneous stores in search of everything we need. I'm pretty sure I have what I need, but we'll find out when I pack everything up next week.

While down in T.O., I helped my friend Jocelyn for a couple days. She is still recovering from her c-section and isn't supposed to lift her older daughter Abby. So I came down to help out around nap time, and also got in some cuddle time with Ellie. Always fun hanging out with the Wharton girls.

Last weekend, Jeff and I headed up to the Bay Area to attend our friends' (and Jeff's former roommate) house-warming party. David and Jeanette have been gutting, re-wiring, re-piping, re-flooring, and pretty much every other re- you can think of on their house for almost 8 months. And now that it's finally finished, we got to help warm it up! They did some amazing work, and it was really great to see them.

Jeff's parents are arriving today for the weekend. On the schedule...well, not much besides showing them the wedding site. And perhaps a trip to farmer's market. It'll be fun having them up here no matter what we end up doing.

Hopefully I'll get in another post before we leave for Africa. Enjoy the warm sunshine of July!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Have fun in Africa!!