Tuesday, January 12, 2010


...of being sick! I'm still sick. Yep, same cold that started right before New Years. For a few days it looked like I was going to get better, but then the weekend hit and it was back to being miserable again. Yes, I've been taking Airborne, and Emergen-C, and vitamins, and pumping water, and taking meds, and getting lots of rest. I think this is just what happens when you work with little kids under the age of 3 during the winter. You get sick. Half our kids aren't even showing up because they're sick. Pick any of the little ones running around with neon green snot running out of their nose, and they're to blame for my current condition.

So right now I've got a bright red raw nose from wiping/blowing it so stinking much, a deep manly voice (when I have any voice left at all), that annoying "I cough whenever I even think of laughing" thing going on, and that overall look of "Hi...I'm sick." I'm ready to be over this. My CI is bringing all her tricks tomorrow for me to try. Something about anti-ox(idants?) shots. I'm hoping they're more like the alcohol shot vs. hypodermic kind.

Last week I started what I have coined The WDW...otherwise known as The Wedding Diet & Workout. Now that the dress is on the way, and the wedding is (finally) next year, it's time to actually start acting like a bride. Ok, not super crazy like on Bridezillas, but you know, actually like I'm getting married soon instead of talking about it being so far away and having all the time in the world. I started going to the gym, have been eating salads everyday, am drinking more water, and started getting into a routine. And then I started feeling terrible again (see above). Go figure. I've been taking the last few days off to try to let my body rest, but hopefully will be back in soon.

Last weekend I went home again to my parents' house to help un-decorate. We also were determined to sort through all the Christmas stuff and separate our ornaments and re-organize all the boxes. It ended up looking like Santa threw up in the living room, but we got most of it done before I left. Hope it wasn't too bad to finish Mom!

The rotation is going well, despite being sick. I love the little kids, and their booger-filled noses too! I pretty much play all day, and try to incorporate PT into their play time. For example, get the kid to go from sitting to standing while reaching for the ball to help improve lower extremity strength. It is a definite change from my last 2 rotations, with probably the best schedule ever. And I'm already in my 3rd week...yikes!

Well, I should be going to bed, being sick and all. Hope everyone is staying healthy, since I sure don't seem to be able to. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into the non-stop sickness from last year...Thanksgiving to March again? No thank you!


Nancy said...

God bless those little snotty noses! Hang in there sweetie!

Gioconda said...

how exciting that you are in bridal mode. i can't wait to start seeing updates. so exciting. hope you are feeling better soon. hugs to you.