Tuesday, December 15, 2009

10 days 'til X-Mas...

This past weekend was Jeff's company x-mas party at the Madonna Inn. I'm sad to say this is the first time I've actually been inside the pink landmark despite living in SLO for so long. They did a wonderful job creating a winter wonderland, with shades of frosty blue and silver everywhere. They even took pictures like at prom which were ready for us by the end of the night, and had a musician/comedian. Here's our non-professional version...

And I also won our table's centerpiece. Meet Frosty!

Tomorrow I'll be heading back down to T.O. You'd think I'd have things packed up by now, but no. I've been running errands, wrapping presents, and being in complete denial that my time here in SLO is already over. I hope everything will fit!

Well, I guess I should get to packing. But I will leave you with this jewel of a video. For your holiday entertainment...

Send your own ElfYourself eCards


Tori said...

I'm not sure i want to meet Frosty :/ . . . but i like your blog christmasiness. love you!!

Mackenzie said...

Why not?! He's just made of carnations and twigs with a ribbon scarf...perfectly harmless and festive. Love you too!