Thursday, February 26, 2009

I just don't know what to do with myself...

So what's been new with me? Nothing. I've just been studying and getting lost in the world of weddings online. I've been trying to be good and not get sucked in too much, but it's really hard. Especially because my roommate Carol got engaged on the 13th and is having her wedding in August during their 2 weeks off, so she is in full-on planning mode. Last weekend we went to a Crate & Barrel "Wedding Party" where you get to go into the store 2 hours before it opens and drink mimosas and eat lots of yummy snacks (paninis, pastries, chocolates, fruit, etc.), and meet local vendors, and test out some of their products. It was a lot of fun, and I got to explore downtown Pasadena, which is actually a pretty cool place. I've live 30 minutes away from an awesome area and had no idea for a whole year! How sad...

We have all of ortho midterms next week (written and practicals), so I've been getting ahead for that. In fact, I already finished the entire study guide today after receiving The power of free time. I'm not used to being actually on top of things and having time to spare. This is quite the opposite end of the spectrum from a year ago. Heck, even one term ago! I'm trying to not get swallowed up by all this free time, so hopefully I can manage to focus and do what needs to get done.

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