Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tomorrow I'll be heading off to Kernville to spend Thanksgiving with Jeff and his family. It was very hard for me to decide whether to spend the holiday with my family or his, and I still wish I could spend it with both. Sometimes life just isn't fair. It'll be my first Thanksgiving without my family, which is normal for a lot people, but a first for me. I know I'll enjoy the time away from here, but I wish I could be in two places at once! :) Anyway, I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing holiday. Enjoy your time with your friends and family, and remember to give thanks for all that you have in your life, good or bad. Love you all!


Melissa said...

I'm sorry you won't be with your fam Kenzi....but i'm glad you're coming! I wasn't sure if you were or not. See you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Consider yourself very loved and hugged! There will be stuffing in the freezer for you. Have a wonderful time in Kernville. I love you -- m