Wednesday, June 16, 2010

School's Out For The Summer!

Today I took my last final of PT school. Hooray! Meaning, I am officially finished with the classroom portion of my education. Double hooray! And, since my residency doesn't start until the middle of September, drumroll please...I GET A SUMMER BREAK! For the first time in 3 years, I get to have time off during the summer. Triple hooray!

So what's on board for this summer? Well...lots of things! We (Jeff and I) will be leaving at the buttcrack of dawn on Saturday to join his family in Hawaii on the Big Island for 8 days of gloriousness. I've already promised my class, and a couple professors, to have drinks for them. Keep those lava flows coming! And I'm pretty sure a couple of them are squeezing into my suitcase too. Then I'll be heading up to SLO for a while, attempting to find an apartment or house for Jeff and I to move into at the end of August. And then in August I'll be going on the trip of a lifetime...3 weeks in Botswana (and a little of South Africa and Zimbabwe). I'll do a whole separate post on this, but it's pretty much the most amazing graduation present EVER! And those are only the big things planned...

It was bittersweet today saying goodbye to everyone. Now, I am not completely free of the grad school claws. Those of us doing an orthopedic residency must go back for a review week starting on the 29th. I have a bunch of readings I'm supposed to do before then, but at this moment, I'm not even thinking about it. Besides, who wants to lug a 10 pound book to Hawaii?! Maybe I'll photocopy a few sections to lighten the load.

Last weekend I babysat for the family I stayed with in Tustin. I was so excited to see my little buddy Ethan, and what was even more exciting was that he remembered me and got super excited when he saw me. It almost made me cry. He took my hand and proceeded to show me everything around the house, in case I had forgotten already, and then everything in the backyard. I spent the night because they didn't get back until 1 in the morning. The next day they had a brunch with a bunch of their PT friends, many of whom have been my CI, TA's, or otherwise present around school. It was actually pretty neat having them all in one place. Then with the major bucks I made, I headed to South Coast Plaza and did a little shopping for Hawaii. Ah, money! On Sunday, we attended 2 different graduation parties and had an early Father's Day celebration since I'll be in Hawaii.

Well, my to-do list only seems to be getting longer. I haven't even started packing, although I've thought about it several times. And there's a big project going on tomorrow, which hopefully I'll be able to sneak in a post about before we leave. If not, I'll post it when we get back. Until next time, I'm going to enjoy this little moment of freedom and satisfaction. Congrats APU DPT Class of 2010...we are literally almost done!

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