Wednesday, January 14, 2009

almost there...

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. Although, it sure feels like I have. I must say that it is pretty rude to make us come back in at week other words, hit the ground running. It's been crazy. That's really all I can say. Well, and that it's really hard to come back from 2 weeks of vacation and snap back into hard core study mode right from day 1. We've had 3 patient days, 1 basically at a mental institute, a community outreach/service/interaction day, skills check-offs galore, 3 lab write-ups, a research paper, get the idea. I've been busy. BUT...the end is in sight! We've had our practicals for Ortho this week, and the rest of the written finals and practicals are next week. Then, so long as I pass everything...I WILL BE A SECOND YEAR!!! I don't want to get too excited yet, but it is so close I can taste it. They've already moved us to the middle (2nd year) bulletin board in the hallway, and we really can't wait to pass the torch. Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that I'm fine, just insanely busy (and totally bummed that the Chargers are out of the playoffs), and really wishing I was back in Hawaii lying on the beach. Looking forward to the break and missing you all. Hope you're not as busy as me!

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