Things currently on my mind...
-I just made 134 notecards for anatomy, and it's only for 2 lectures (hand cramp)
-We just found out ALL our quizzes and tests are cumulative, not just the finals (b/c cramming every week is just so much more fun)
-Almost half the class ahead of us were put on academic probation after the first term (meaning they get kicked out the next term if they didn't substantially raise their grades up)
-My eyes are burning still from the cadaver lab, and I smell like formalin (yay for cadaver juice)
-I am so mentally exhausted and on complete information overload, and it's only partway through the 3rd week (I need a back-up drive for my brain)
-I have to get 5 titers done to prove my immunity and various shots before I can even think about going into the clinics (and we all know my love of needles...)
-I have bruises all over my arms/back from clinical skills when I somehow became the class dummy for bone/muscle/tendon palpations (I look good in black and blue)
-No matter how hard/long I study, I'm still behind (not a pleasant feeling)
-I have three more years of this to look forward to....(who signed me up for this?!)
On a side note, I actually touched Harley today in lab and stood the whole time...maybe I'm over this whole passing out could only hope!
You will make it through it baby. I know you will.
Hang in there, kiddo. I'm sending positive vibes your way! Stay positive, I KNOW you can (and will!) do this!!!
Hey sweetie -- YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Tell your brain not to dwell on all of that stuff -- just take it one class/one day at a time.
I love you! mom
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